The man with the midas touch, Pahlaj Nihlani who introduced stars like Govinda, Suniel Shetty, Divya Bhrati and Chunky Pandey has completed more than two decades in the industry. He used to be considered as leader and most powerful producer of his era. Things have not been very bright for one of the busiest producers of the 80s and the 90s. His last production TALAASH: THE HUNT BEGINS, featuring Akshay and Kareena directed by Suneel Darshan, failed at the box-office. And now the long wait seems to be over for him and the veteran producer is back again with the new film KHUSHBOO under NTree Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. banner, directed by Rajesh Ram Singh. The movie featuring new finds Rishi and Avantika has been shot in Kullu-Manali. With dance numbers choreographed by brilliant Saroj Khan, the music has been composed by talented Adnan Sami and lyrics penned by the phenomenal Javed Akhtar.
A young, ambitious and successful professional like Raghu needs to go to Chandigarh before his posting to New York as his last assignment. For Raghu career takes top priority in his life.
In Chandigarh, he seems to be destined to cross path with a girl to whom he is inadvertently drawn. But each time Pinky flits away even before he can approach her. When they do meet and get to know each other they realize that they share a very strong bonding. And as usual Pinky once again vanishes from Raghu’s life. When they accidentally bump into each other months later, Pinky has one request… that he meet her family just once. For Pinky family takes top priority in his life.
Raghu meets the big, boisterous Punjabi family only to be drawn into the warmth of the large family. Will Raghu be able to turn his back on a loving family? Will Raghu marry Pinky? Will Pinky change her mind about letting him go? Is career more important than a loving family? Raghu is in a dilemma but not Pinky…
Watch KHUSBOO a love story that spreads the fragrance of love amidst strong family values…
In Chandigarh, he seems to be destined to cross path with a girl to whom he is inadvertently drawn. But each time Pinky flits away even before he can approach her. When they do meet and get to know each other they realize that they share a very strong bonding. And as usual Pinky once again vanishes from Raghu’s life. When they accidentally bump into each other months later, Pinky has one request… that he meet her family just once. For Pinky family takes top priority in his life.
Raghu meets the big, boisterous Punjabi family only to be drawn into the warmth of the large family. Will Raghu be able to turn his back on a loving family? Will Raghu marry Pinky? Will Pinky change her mind about letting him go? Is career more important than a loving family? Raghu is in a dilemma but not Pinky…
Watch KHUSBOO a love story that spreads the fragrance of love amidst strong family values…
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